By Default, Switch Center is using SNMPv1/2 protocol for network discovery. SNMPv3 can be enabled for switches and routers discovery, on all networks or by selecting specific networks. This feature is useful for secured organizations that using SNMPv3 protocol in their networks.
These are the required steps to enable SNMPv3 protocol:
1. From the main menu select the Options >> Settings screen and click on the Snmp icon.
2. From the Additional Options section, enable SNMPv3 and click over it.
3. Set the username and the preferred security options, the context name and engine ID should be blank for automatic resolution.
4. Set the networks that will be using SNMPv3 discovery or use the default option for all networks.
5. Click the Save button on the bottom of the screen.
Switch Center is network management software for managed network switches and hubs from any vendor supporting SNMP BRIDGE-MIB that helps to discover, monitor and analyze networks connectivity and performance.
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